Rally points don’t work particularly well for splitting armies preemptively, due to the way the proximity rules work. You can place it closest to whomever you're attacking, and then split your army into smaller contingents to send them out where they’re needed. Mostly, just the one rally point will do. Understanding this is key, because if you create two rally points right next to each other on the very edge of your kingdom, most of your troops will probably go to the one closest to your kingdom’s most significant area, with only a tiny force spawning at the other. If you create more than one, they will spawn at the one closest to their home county. If you only have one, your available troops will spawn there. Raising your armies in Crusader Kings 3 requires at least one rally point. Some cultures and faiths allow you to declare war almost indiscriminately, but for most European rulers, youll usually need a specific claim to the territory youre trying to take over.(Image credit: Paradox Interactive) How rally points work If it isnt, that means you dont have a justifiable reason for war a casus belli. You will have to declare war before they can invade and begin to conquer territories, while you can raise your military whenever you want. In Crusader Kings 3, there are different ways of acquiring holdings and title and fighting is possibly the simplest. Perhaps you can look at the map and think about expanding if someone has yet assaulted you. Raiding for prisoners helps you to collect piety when your pilgrimages are not available. You get prisoners from the enemy territories after you win a war using this method of raiding. Raiding for hostages is a specific kind of war where prisoners are primarily captured for sacrifice. In which for the limited period you cant attack again. If the enemy dictator defeats your military before they return, you lose everything youve earned. It adds to your reputation with the gold you have plundered. Your army would have the gold of the enemy ruler after a good assault. When youre not at war, join the military menu and find the choice at the top called Collect All as Raiders. If your military is in a war now, you cant invade, so you first need to be in peace to increase your military so it wont be possible for raiders. What kind of war you should wage depends on your religion as well. In October 2019, PDXCon published its first announcement and on September 1st, 2020. The Kings III Crusader is a follow-up to Kings I Crusader (2004) and Kings I Crusader (2012). The Paradox Development Studio has been developed and released by Paradox Interactive in the Middle Ages. How To Declare War In Ck2 By thiogohengcheng1988 Follow | Public